Friday, September 21, 2018

The Fair Shoot 2018 - ILLUMINATE US

"You cannot make it through the darkness by running from it, nor by hiding it from the world. You must turn and face it, and bring it into the light."

If you never go through a season of darkness, you cannot fully experience what it means to walk in the light.

We have all known times of darkness.

Times when you feel the walls around you closing in, and shadows, like hunters stalking their prey, wait around every corner. Your lungs ache for the air to scream, but all that comes is silence. Your heart, that once held colors so vibrant you could paint a sunset sky with each heartbeat, now lies numb.




Fearing you'll be trapped in an endless night and never again see the sunlight.

But no matter how long the night may last... the sun always rises again.

And when it does, you feel the warmth on your skin as if for the first time. Melting away the ice encasing your heart, and igniting a flame of thankfulness you never knew existed. Light surrounds every fiber of your being, changing, transforming, renewing your mind in ways that make your head spin with endless possibilities.

Your soul, which lay dormant for so long, now runs, leaps and dances with a joy that flows from a bottomless ocean within. This overflow from your heart now pours out on everyone around you; spreading effortless love like soft, golden fingerprints left on skin.

You could never have known the great intensity in the power of the light had you not come out of the darkness.

Though you may go through the night...
"the light shines into the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." -John 1:5

Watch the full "Illuminate Us" video HERE:

Thank you to all those who made this year's Fair Shoot possible!


Bella Robinson
Jadta Fields
Maria Cusimano
Ashley Hoffman
Grace Miller
Savannah Stewart
Quincey Book


Tina Blottenberger


Sophie Martinez


Samantha Jane

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